Monday, May 11, 2015


Being grateful is one of the things that I like to put in practice in my life the most, it is also one of the things that I talked about with my children since they were very little, I've always told them to be grateful for the small blessings; the simple things in life as well as for the big ones. I really like for them to have a deep appreciation for everything in life and to make it a habit for them and always look for the silver lining even in the tough times, easier said than done right?  let’s face it being grateful is really easy when life is going great and smooth, when the wind is blowing in our favor and all in life is like big giant gift with a big bow on top, when life is smiling at us it is just so easy to smile back, but when for some unexpected reason even unfair you may think, when you have to adjust your sails then gratefulness takes a complete different meaning.  You see these days there are two aspects in my life that have become so precious to me more precious than ever before; faith and gratefulness, my faith is what keeps me going even in the hardest days when I’m ready to relinquish, when life feels too big for me and the silver lining appear to be getting slimmer by the minute and at times  just banishes completely. It is then when by the grace of God and by the gift of faith I begin to make the shift away from the pain, the heartbreaking  loss we've experienced and I surrender to a spirit of gratitude, and I see that even in the midst of our storm there are small and big mercies to be grateful for, as I close my eyes and count my blessings and all the acts of love that I'm grateful for, the daily miracles I witness when I am willing to open my heart; the love I get from my family, the unexpected unasked hug from Ebe and Yael when I most need it, the faithful love from my husband and his capacity to see beyond my breaking point where sometimes I don't recognize myself anymore but he can still see deep into my soul. The gift of having my Mom so close to me during the most painful time of my life showing me what strength looks like but with the tenderest love only she can offer to me.
The extraordinary good deeds people have done for us throughout this difficult time, we have received  so much love from the first moment we started this journey, we have been lifted, held and accompanied by our extended family, friends that have become family. Beautiful people that we didn't know before all of this happened and are now dear new friends to us, neighbors, coworkers from near and far, the love and support has been overwhelmingly and unconditionally given to us, the calls, prayers, heartfelt messages, flowers, cards, daily meals for almost two months after January 23, the beautiful sentiment in words of encouragement, all of that to me is as clear example of Love in action.  I feel blessed to have such wonderful people around us and  we are eternally grateful to each and every person that came to love us and keep on loving us in so many different ways.          

I can say that in my life I've experience most feelings in real depth;  Love, Joy, Hope, Faith, but I've also experienced disappointment, sadness and loss, a monumental loss, one that I know I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I realize now more than ever before that we are given the immeasurable beauty of life but at the same time we are exposed to the possibility of pain and sorrow, in one way or another one we all get to face the unpleasant but I know for sure the difference strive in changing the perspective and allow our wounds to transform us into better persons and let all the goodness be what define us, I know that while I'm alive, the best way to continue honoring my daughter's memory is to face the hurt head on, confront my fears and be graciously brave because I know that is exactly what she would've wanted for me.
"Eunice my precious girl with a strong and courageous heart, I'm forever grateful to God for having you as my daughter, you touched my life and so many others, our love is forever. I promise you baby I will never let you down".

