Monday, June 15, 2015

Honoring our Amazing Eunice

The past few weeks have been really heavy, I'm emotionally and physically exhausted to say the least.
Finding a good balance between grieving and living has left my heart and my mind simply weary. Trying to escape something present is not quite the same as accepting a huge absence every day, an irreplaceable absence, everything from prom to graduation and in between events that took place these past weeks were more like daggers that caused the pain to be sharp and constant. All of it reminding us of the void in our present and a future that even as a nonexistent, intangible white canvas was always filled with dreams and expectations to be created, or so we thought. We now have a different canvas and I know it is up to us what we create on  it, one day at the time still for all in our family, one day at the time...I'm learning to make peace with my own emotions and accept my limitations when it comes to what and how I can manage my feelings, some good days I get to accomplish more and other days the only thing I can manage to do is cry. And it is ok.

In the midst of all this raw emotions we were able to honor our precious Eunice and the first    "Eunice Viniegra - Memorial Scholarship"  was awarded a few weeks ago to a bright student that will be attending a Medical field related career next fall. It is our intention to keep awarding one every year to a Champion HS Senior entering a health career, the student will always be a deserving young man or woman in the Boerne community. At the end of this post I will share the information in case you feel in your heart the desire to contribute to this important cause, helping others with bigger need. We want to be able to channel our grief towards actions that will be speaking loud of the values and principles that Eunice represented when she was on this earth, we want to continue her legacy and desire for a better world by doing small acts of love because even the smallest act of love and kindness can be the difference in someone's day.
Another act of love came from the Senior class of 2015 at Champion HS, on May 27th beautiful trees were planted in memory of three students that no longer are with us, one of them dedicated to Eunice, and also stone plates were placed there and laid in the front of the school. There was a dedication ceremony attended by the students, teachers, the wonderful Principal Dr. Spoor, some friends and families. It was a very emotional event filled with tears moment, but it was also a space filled with hope, hope of healing and love much love. We are so grateful to the school and the community that keep on loving us and supporting us.
Another permanent plaque was placed at the Bahama Bucks in Leon Springs, a beautiful gift, so much grace and love from the kind owners and former bosses of Eunice's, she was so loved and still is, I know that she is still continues making an impact in people life's and that's bring us strength  and peace.
Back in April on her birthday a celebration and balloon release was held at the BB Store. I will share the pictures on this post.
Eunice may not had lived a long life in years, but her life on this earth was rich and filled with love and kindness up to her very last moment and I'm sure this world is better because she lived, I know she challenged me to be better as a human, as a mother and she made my life better, brighter in all aspects of it and yes I'm suffering this unspeakable pain but I wouldn't change the amazing years of joy that we were able to have and everything I received from her, my precious Eunicorn. (her favorite nickname) Even after she was called to be with our Father in haven, she made a huge gift. The gift of life. Eunice was an organ donor.-- When I feel stronger I will dedicate an entire post about it-- but for now I'll tell you that a few months ago we learned that through her gifts, the life of five people were impacted. Five humans had a second chance in life because our amazing daughter's gifts.

If someone is interested to contribute to "Eunice Viniegra Memorial Scholarship" the information is as follows :

Donations on any amount can be made to Bank of America Account #4880 5337 2077

Under the name of Eunice Viniegra (Memorial) Claudia/Victor Viniegra

Applications for the Scholarship will be posted on a yearly basis on the BISD/Champion HS
by March/April every year and will be awarded by May in a Ceremony held at the School.
Specific dates TBD.
Thank you,

                                              Eunice Memorial Tree at Champion HS. May 2015

                                          Balloon Release in Memory of Eunice, April 2015

Much Love,


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