Monday, April 17, 2017

Where there is Love, there is Life...Happy Birthday Eunice! 04/16

It's your birthday today, this year your special day falls in Easter Day, which is a day of celebration, honor and remembrance, the resurrection of Christ, his rising from death.
I kept going on and on in my mind that it's difficult enough to face another important date in the calendar without your physical presence, more so when is also a holiday, as I was trying to find the significance of today's meaning and how to celebrate your birthday, instead of drowning in the pain of not being physically together, I got beautifully reminded by some lovely friends  that today it's indeed a gift, a reminder of hope, an invitation to see beyond what's palpable and imminent, a clear view to the hope of the eternal life and a reminder that this earth is not my final home...
This will be your third birthday outside our earthly realm, it does not get easier,
see for me, the fact that I can't hold you, see you, listen to you, kiss you, does not erase the realty that you lived, that today 21 years ago you were born and your birth changed the course of my story forever, you marked the before and after for me, just as when you parted from this world, my life was and is divided by a monumental abyss, these two worlds in my life intertwine and collide, sometime in balance sometimes in complete chaos. I live in between these two worlds, I dance between them and sometimes I stumble and fall too, I spend long time recollecting memories and every day and in everything I do, I try to honor you, I take some steps forward and sometimes many steps backwards, but one thing I know, I would've chosen you over and over, even if I would've know that your existence will be shorter than mine, even if I would've know that I had to endure the pain of loosing you, I would not have change the glorious gift of your existence, sharing this life with you, along with your brother and sister, being your mom will always be the greatest honor and gift ever given to me.
Death doesn't take love away, love remains and anchors our soul to hope, love transcends it all, time and space are nothing for the extraordinary force that keeps us going and grounded even when we feel we can't continue.
So today, you may not be physically with me, but you are with me, and you will always be.
Today I celebrate your magnificent life, today I want for my soul to resurrect in Love, and live in healing for the rest of my existence.
Today I celebrate the miracle of your life that gave me the greatest gift ever; being a Mom for the first time, being your mom. Forever.

"We don't lose what we love, therefore where there is love, there is life".

Happy Birthday Princesa Hermosa! ❤️
Today is one day closer to you!

With infinite love for Eunice.


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